Тематические Программы
И Занятия По Интересам

Помимо еженедельных путешествий
мы также предлагаем некоторые
тематические круизы, планируемые
в определенные даты в течение года.

Круиз – Эко-сафари Для Любителей Природы

На борту яхт «Си Стар» и «Си Бёрд»

The Seychelles archipelago features some of the most precious ecological treasures the world over, and this 7-night cruise provides nature-lovers the best opportunity to experience the islands’ unique flora and fauna.

This cruise is aimed at those with an interest in natural history, as we take a close look back on the islands’ unusual geology — as the only granite mid-ocean archipelago in the world — and the various endemic species that have been isolated here for millenia up until man first settled on the island only a couple of hundred years ago.

Together with our usual service-oriented crew of 9, an experienced naturalist is also stationed onboard, to personally accompany all nature tours and island excursions, as well as conduct discussions and presentations onboard to give guests special insight into Seychelles and its fascinating ecology.

Along the way there will be numerous opportunities to see and learn about endemic species of plants and animals, some of which are unique to a single island. The carnivorous pitcher plant, the endangered magpie robin and other rare birds, the smallest frog in the world, and of course Seychelles’ famous giant tortoises, are just a few of the species we’ll encounter during the cruise.